

Anxiety is a normal part of life. It is your minds way of sending a warning signal to your body that something dangerous and you need to respond. Anxiety focuses all of your energy and attention on the identified threat. Anxiety can be helpful if it results in an appropriate response to the situation. However, sometimes our mind sends signals about issues or situations that aren’t actually dangerous. It is important to pay attention to whether or not your anxiety is functional for you or if it is overwhelming and exhausting.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

Depending on the nature of your anxiety, you may experience a variety of symptoms including:

  • Intense fear or discomfort
  • Uncontrollable chronic and excessive worry
  • Persistent, intrusive or distressing thoughts
  • Exaggerated startle reflex and hypervigilance
  • Fatigue, restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, & sleep disturbance
  • Sweating, trembling, chest pains, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, nausea
  • Frequent avoidance of feared object or situation

What You Can Do If You Are Having Academic Difficulties

Take this confidential to learn more about your anxiety symptoms.

There are many strategies available to reduce and manage anxiety symptoms including:

The key is to find out which strategies work best for you. Additionally, you can practice staying more present and mindful, which is helpful in decreasing stress and anxiety.