
HI Program Requirements

General Education Requirements (41 Hours)
Area I - Written Composition (2 Courses, 6 Hours)
  1. 3 hours: EH 101
  2. 3 hours: EH 102
Area II - Humanities & Fine Arts (4 Courses, 12 Hours)
  1. 3 hours: CA 110
  2. 3 hours from: EH 215, EH 216, EH 225, EH 226, EH 235, EH 236
  3. 3 hours from: ARH 100, ARH 103, ARH 123, ARS 101, DRA 110, MUL 101
  4. 3 hours from: AFR 101, ARH 100, ARH 103, ARH 123, ARH 203, ARS 101, CLA 110, DRA 110, EH 215, EH 216, EH 225, EH 226, EH 235, EH 236, LG 101, LG 102, LG 111, LG 112, LG 121, LG 122, LG 131, LG 132, LG 141, LG 142, LG 151, LG 152, LG 153, LG 171, LG 172, LG 173, LG 201, LG 202, LG 211, LG 212, LG 213, LG 221, LG 222, LG 231, LG 232, LG 234, LG 241, LG 242, 251, LG 252, LG 271, LG 272, LG 273, LGS 101, LGS 102, LGS 106, LGS 107, LGS 110, LGS 111, LGS 131, LGS 141, LGS 142, LGS 161, LGS 162, LGS 171, LGS 172, LGS 181, LGS 182, LGS 201, LGS 202, LGS 206, LGS 207, LGS 210, LGS 211, LGS 241, LGS 242, LGS 261, LGS 262, LGS 281, LGS 282, MUL 101, PHL 110, PHL 120, PHL 121, PHL 131, PHL 231, PHL 240, REL 100, REL 200, REL 201
Area III – Natural Sciences & Mathematics (3 Courses & Labs, 11 Hours)
  1. 3-4 hours from: MA 112, MA 113, MA 115, MA 120, MA 125, MA 126, MA 227, MA 237, MA 238
  2. 8-10 hours from: AN 121 & AN 121L, BLY 101 & BLY 101L or BLY 121 & BLY 121L, BLY 102 & BLY 102L or BLY 122 & BLY 122L, CH 101 & CH 101L, CH 103 & CH 103L, CH 131 & CH 131L, CH 132 & CH 132L, GEO 101 & GEO 101L, GEO 102 & GEO 102L, GY 111 & GY 111L, GY 112 & GY 112L, MAS 134 & MAS 134L, PH 101 & PH 101L, PH 104 & PH 104L, PH 114 & PH 114L, PH 115 & PH 115L, PH 201 & PH 201L, PH 202 & PH 202L
Area IV – History, Social & Behavioral Sciences (4 Courses, 12 Hours)
  1. 3 hours from: HY 101, HY 102, HY 135, HY 136
  2. 6 hours from: AN 100, AN 101, CA 100, CA 211, CJ 105, ECO 215, ECO 216, GEO 114, GEO 115, GS 101, HY 101, HY 102, HY 135, HY 136, IS 100, IST 201, NAS 101, PSC 130, PSY 250, SY 109, SY 112
  3. 3 hours: PSY 120
Area V (0 Hours)
Students must complete a 6 credit hour sequence either in literature (Area II – EH 215 & EH 216, EH 225 & EH 226, or EH 235 & EH 236) or history (Area IV – HY 101 & HY 102 or HY 135 & HY 136)
Major Requirements (81 Hours)
Health Informatics Core (5 Courses, 15 Hours)
  1. 15 hours from: HI 300, HI 410, HI 450, HI 455, HI 460
Information Systems Environment (11 Courses, 31 Hours)
  1. 31 hours from: CIS 115, ISC 245, ISC 272, ISC 285, CIS 321, CIS 324, ISC 360 (W), EH 372 (W), ISC 462, ISC 475, CIS 496
Business Environment (6 Courses, 18 Hours)
  1. 18 hours from: CIS 150, ACC 211, CA 275, MGT 300, Statistics I, Statistics II
Health Care Environment (5 Courses, 17 Credit Hours)
  1. 17 hours from: BMD 110, BMD 111, EMS 210, EMS 200, EMS 401
Minor Requirements 
A minor is not required for this degree program. However, students who have completed all required coursework for the Health Informatics degree will also qualify for a minor in Information Systems.