
Dr. Anthony M. Comer

Dr. Anthony M. Comer

Assistant Professor
Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering


  • Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University
  • M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University
  • B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University


  • Aircraft flight dynamics and control
  • Flight simulation and modeling
  • Flight testing of fixed-wing, multi-rotor, rotorcraft, and VTOL aircraft
  • Vertical takeoff and landing vehicles
  • Rotorcraft flight dynamics and control
  • Aircraft handling qualities and pilot-in-the-loop simulation
  • Flight control system design and optimization
  • Hardware-in-the-loop control systems


  1. A. Comer and I. Chakraborty, 'Optimizing Explicit Model-Following Trajectory Control Laws for a Vectored Thrust Configuration', Journal of the American Helicopter Society (Published Online: Dec 16, 2024).  
  2. A. Comer and I. Chakraborty, 'Total Energy-Based Control Architecture Design and Optimization for a Lift-Plus-Cruise Aircraft', AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (Published Online: Mar 31, 2024)
  3. A. Comer and I. Chakraborty, 'Full Envelope Flight Control System Design and Optimization for a Tilt-Wing Aircraft', Journal of the American Helicopter Society (Published Online: Mar 13, 2024)
  4. A. Comer and I. Chakraborty, 'Explicit Model Following Trajectory Control System for Multiple Vertical Takeoff and Landing Configurations', 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Florence, Italy, Sep 9-13, 2024
  5. A. Comer and I. Chakraborty, S.H. Putra, R. Bhandari, B. Kunwar and B. Davis, 'Design, Optimization, and Flight Testing of a Trajectory Control System for Lift-Plus-Cruise VTOL Aircraft', AIAA AVIATION 2024 Forum, Las Vegas, NV, July 29 - August 2, 2024, AIAA-2024-4563,


ME 135: Engineering Graphics and Communication